Amazon expands advertising service to compete with Google

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Amazon is said to be planning to expand its advertising platform. With this, the web giant would like to compete with market leader Google. First of all, Amazon would like to bring the advertisements on its websites under its own control.

That reports the usually well-informed The Wall Street Journal, which claims to have sources. Amazon would like to compete with Google with the new advertising system: according to the business newspaper, the advertising system shows similarities with Google’s Adwords. The company probably wants to use the large amounts of user data that it collects with its web services to personalize the advertisements.

Initially, Amazon would like to use the advertising program to serve the advertisements on its websites itself. Only later would the online department store also want to provide advertisements on other websites. Amazon would like to tap into a new source of income with the advertising service.

Amazon already has a limited advertising service, with which it allows advertisers, among other things, to create or advertise on Amazon websites or products. However, the company is still mainly dependent on Google for showing advertisements.

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