Download Driver For ATi Radeon

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Anonymous: 11750 points out to us that drivers have been leaked for the Ati Radeon 8500 video cards. It is unclear what exactly has been improved. For the 9x/ME drivers it is stated that it would have a positive influence on the Nature scene score of 3Dmark2001 and that the Comanche 4 problems would be solved.

New Leaked Unofficial Radeon Drivers – 7:26 pm EST – MrB The boys over at Warp 2 Search have released a set of leaked drivers! great stuff. You can download any of the drivers from this page. These work on all Radeon cards. I’ll try to keep the fixed issues up-to-date but my internet is as slow as a slug. Crappy ISP! Thanks goes to everyone who emailed me about it!

Version number
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website warp2search
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