Download Linux Kernel 2.6.0 Test1

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Linus Torvalds released the first test version of the Linux 2.6 kernel yesterday. He expects developing the 2.6 final to take less time than developing the 2.4 final, which was completed in seven months. The Linux guru announces the following:

Ok, the naming should be familiar – it’s the same deal as with 2.4.0.

One difference is that while 2.4.0 took about 7 months from the pre1 to the final release, I hope (and believe) that we have fewer issues facing us in the current 2.6.0. But very obviously there are going to be a few test releases before the real thing.

The point of the test versions is to make more people realize that they need testing and get some straggling developers realizing that it’s too late to worry about the next big feature. I’m hoping that Linux vendors will start offering the test kernels as installation alternatives, and do things like make upgrade internal machines, so that when the real 2.6.0 does happen, we’re all set.

Version number 2.6.0 test1
Operating systems Linux, Linux x86
file size


License type GPL
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