Download eMule 0.29c

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The exchange program eMule, which uses the eDonkey P2P network, has arrived at version 0.29c. The following changes are reported in the changelog:

July 13th, 2003
bluecow: Several small bug fixes and code improvements [Maella, dpr, rayita]

July 11th, 2003
Ornis+bluecow: String resources split into language resource DLLs [Elandal]

July 9th, 2003
bluecow: Fixed flaw in IPFilter.

July 7th, 2003
bluecow: Added LAN-IP and IP-Filter for server IPs and client IPs received during source exchange and received from servers.
Note: The option “Server/always filter bad IPs” was changed to handle the LAN IP filtering of IPs for servers and clients and was moved to the “Extended Settings” page and is now called “Filter server and client LAN IPs”. If you are running eMule within a LAN you may decide to disable this option to be able to communicate with servers and clients within the LAN.

July 5th, 2003
.: Added some SecureHash security fixes, also SecreHash is now enabled by default
.: The Queueposition (waitingtime) is now also protected by SecureHash (if enabled)
.: Fixed a bug which caused source to have wrong information and filecomments/names
bluecow: Fixed problem with completing file which was concurrently uploaded.
bluecow: Fixed bug with previewing of files with spaces in the path [mediterranean]
bluecow: Fixed bug with client deletion [SlugFiller]
bluecow: Fixed minor bug in statistics with error and banned client stats.

July 2nd, 2003
bluecow: Better filtering of sources according valid IP+Port found during file searches.
bluecow: Added boolean search expressions (AND, OR and NOT operator and parenthesis)

July 1st, 2003
bluecow: Fixed minor bug in search query with file extension.
bluecow: Added version column of server software to server listview control.
bluecow: Fixed minor bug where the ServerIP of some clients were added to the server list.
bluecow: Fixed bug with compressed control data packets length [thx MKThunderStorm]
bluecow: Optimized source exchange for clients which are asked for sources for the first time in the current session.

June 30th, 2003
bluecow: Added more units for specifying min/max filesize in search dialog. (append b[yte],k[byte],m[byte],g[byte] to the numbers to change the units).
Ornis: minor tweaks in the filename cleanup
Ornis: corrected codepage-settings for turkish language in the webinterface

June 29th, 2003
bluecow: Fixed mem leak in upload client caused by clients requesting too large blocks.
bluecow: Fixed mem leak with duplicate hashed files.
bluecow: Couple of changes for more stable code and less potential mem leaks.
Ornis: Fix, preventing crashes after IRC disconnection
Ornis: Show size of partfiles on disk (Filedetails & Tooltip)
Ornis: little GUI fixes

June 27th, 2003
bluecow: Added sending shared files list to server with ClientIP+Port to get more sources when performing global UDP search requests.
bluecow: Added sending shared files list to server with more meta tags for more accurate search results according file extension and file type.
bluecow: Added tooltip for showing the entire meta data for a search results which was received from the server/client.

June 25th, 2003
bluecow: Added overlay icons for clients which were successfully identified by a secure hash
bluecow: Fixed bug with GetTickCount timer meassurement [dpr]
Ornis: Added Secure-Ident-Statistic (how many successfully and how many failed identified clients)
Ornis: Fixed menu resource bug in the preferences
Ornis: Turkish language fix

Version number 0.29c
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website sourceforge
file size


License type GPL
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