Download Mac DC++ alpha 1

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In addition to the well-known file exchange networks such as Fasttrack (Kazaa), eDonkey and Gnutella, there is another network that should not be forgotten: that of Direct Connect. One of the most popular clients to talk to this network is DC++ written in C++. Since one of the key features of C++ is its relative platform independence, it’s quite surprising that a port of this program for MacOS X has only just now been made. Better late than never, we’ll just say, the most important thing is that it’s there now. The mac client is fully compatible with those for Windows platforms and will be maintained through future updates to the Windows client.

This is a port of DC++ to Mac OS X with a user interface according to the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. Because this client is built on DC++ it is compatible with the Windows version and will benefit from updates of the Windows version.[break]Mac DC++’s first release is numbered alpha 1 and available in two flavors at SourceForge

Version number alpha 1
Operating systems macOS
Website SourceForge
License type GPL
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