Windows Mobile and Office CEO Joe Belfiore leaves Microsoft

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Microsoft CEO Joe Belfiore leaves the tech company after 32 years. Belfiore was best known as the driving force behind Windows Phone and Windows Mobile. In recent years, Belfiore was head of the Office department within Microsoft.

Belfiore confirms his departure on Twitter after he did that in an email earlier where ZDnet managed to lay hands on. Belfiore says he thinks it’s time to leave Microsoft after 32 years. It is a personal choice; Belfiore wants to spend more time with his family.

Joe Belfiore is a big name within Microsoft. He started there in 1990 and worked on Windows 95, Windows XP and Internet Explorer. Later, Belfiore became best known as the person behind the mobile Windows versions. He was one of the founders of Windows Phone 8 and was later given the task of developing Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile into a competitor to iOS and Android.

For the past two years, Belfiore has been the Corporate Vice President of the Office Product Group. He will keep that position there until the summer of 2023. After that, Belfiore will leave the tech company for good.

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