Valve: There will be no exclusives on Chinese version Steam

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The upcoming Chinese version of Steam will not get exclusive games, Valve says. When a game becomes available on Steam China, it is intended that it will also be playable elsewhere. Valve is still not saying when Steam China will be released.

The intention of Steam China is to make the servers closer to Chinese users, says Valve CEO DJ Powers in conversation with Eurogamer. For example, the download times should be reduced. It is also possible to localize the content and not to offer certain games if this is not allowed by Chinese law.

Valve announced Steam China last year. This is done in collaboration with the Chinese Perfect World, which allows Steam China to obtain approval from the Chinese government. That should protect the service against blockages. Steam is now available in China, but has been blocked before. Steam forums are blocked in China, but they must eventually come to Steam China.

Perfect World is a major Chinese game and film company that has been working with Valve since 2012. In that year, the Chinese company obtained the licenses to distribute Dota 2 and later Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, two major esports titles in China. Valve hasn’t shown anything of the interface for Steam China yet.

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