US prioritizes research into artificial intelligence

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US President Trump will sign a decree on Monday in which the US declares that it will invest more in the development of artificial intelligence. However, there would be no concrete talk about more subsidies.

Multiple technology and science websites, including Science Magazine, received a telephone call from a senior official in Donald Trump’s administration on Sunday about the plans. However, the provision of information is currently limited to the main features of the so-called American AI Initiative.

The plans state that government agencies will be asked to give AI priority when it comes to conducting research. This can be in the form of budget, computing power and planning. Furthermore, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is being asked to develop standards to make future AI systems “reliable, robust, secure, portable and compatible”. International cooperation is also desirable, but only if it is in the US interest.

Finally, the side effects of AI are also examined. The plans state that workers must be prepared for an AI-changing labor market through internships and training.

The US defense research department, Darpa, was already ahead of the plans. It voluntarily put 2 billion dollars into research into AI, it announced in September of last year. Europe is also investing billions in AI development, trying not to lag behind China and the US.

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