United Arab Emirates gets minister for artificial intelligence

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The United Arab Emirates gets a minister for artificial intelligence. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum decided on Thursday. The monarch wants to make the country ‘younger and more future-proof’.

The position is held by 27-year-old Omar Al Olama, who previously hosted the World Government Summit and was already behind the scenes responsible for the country’s ‘ai strategy’. thus the Sheikh’s Twitter account. He states that the goal of the UAE is to become one of the world leaders in this field.

In addition to this new position, positions have also been created for ministers of Advanced Sciences and Food Security. The minister who holds the latter position should focus on research, planning and technology with the aim of safeguarding the country’s food supply for the future. In total, the country now has 31 ministers.

The Arab country has been taking such steps for some time to keep up with technological developments. In 2020, the country will launch its so-called Hope satellite with the aim of observing the atmosphere of the planet Mars. Earlier this year, it was also announced that the country aims to establish a colony on the red planet by the year 2117, which should eventually be home to 600,000 people.

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