Steam Link App Coming to iOS and Apple TV

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The Steam Link app to stream games from a PC to other devices on the same network is available for iOS and Apple TV. Steam had already wanted to release the app last year, but Apple rejected it.

The version of the Steam Link app now available for Apple hardware will not let users buy games from the Steam download store. That is possible with the Android version. Apple may now allow the app because of that adjustment.

To use the app, you need an iPhone or iPad with iOS 10 or newer, or an Apple TV. The computer running Steam may be a Windows, Mac, or Linux PC, as long as it is on the same network. Valve recommends using a 5GHz network.

A year ago, Valve announced its Steam Link app for Android and iOS. A week later, however, it turned out that Apple did not allow the iOS version in the App Store, because there were “conflicts with the app guidelines that were not previously brought to light.”

The Steam Link application is the successor to the physical box that Valve released years ago. The app was released last year for Android and there was also a beta version for the Raspberry Pi.

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