Startup tech challenges – First steps in hologram technology

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Every year, dozens of tech start-ups start up in the low countries that have big dreams, but have to overcome technical hurdles to make them come true. In this article, we discuss some of the challenges start-up Tekle Holographics faces when developing its hologram technology.

The commercial holography market has not been around that long, but many tech start-ups have already fully focused on this. They all try to be the front runner and become market leader: every start-up wants to be able to deliver the most advanced hologram technology. So is Michel Tzsfaldet. He has been interested in the technology for years, but noticed about three years ago that it was mainly used for entertainment. He mainly saw opportunities in the business market. Since there wasn’t a single company that took full advantage of the hologram business opportunity, according to Tzsfaldet, he decided to enter the fresh hologram market. But to develop hologram technology that adds value to businesses, a lot of challenges have to be overcome.

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