Sony reveals the arrival of WH-1000XM4 headphones via Headphones app

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Sony seems to be coming up with a successor to the popular WH-1000XM3 headphones soon. The new version, which will be called XM4, appeared in the code of the Headphones application. The new headphones can, among other things, make multiple Bluetooth connections.

Although the arrival of the WH-1000XM4 was already expected, Sony has now also revealed that the headphones will be released soon. References to the XM4 appeared in the Headphones application, which is used to set up Sony’s headphones. A Twitter user posted the references after a teardown of a new version of the application.

Compared to the WH-1000XM3, the new version seems to get improvements for bluetooth. A common complaint from users is that the XM3 cannot connect to multiple devices, and the XM4 can; two devices can be connected at the same time.

Sony has also improved upscaling for audio with something called DSSE Extreme. Also new is that headphone settings can be adjusted automatically based on the user’s location; the Google Maps API is used for this. The design of the headphones would have been left unchanged by Sony.

Sony has not officially announced anything about the headphones. As a result, it is not yet known when the WH-1000XM4 should be released and what the price will be.

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