Software update: WordPress 4.9.8

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Version 4.9.8 of WordPress has been released. With this program, which is made available under a gpl, it is possible to set up and maintain a website or blog. WordPress is easy to set up and can run within five minutes if a server with php and MySQL is already available. There are possibilities to extend the functionality of WordPress with plug-ins and to change the appearance with themes . The release notes for this issue can be found below.

WordPress 4.9.8 Security and Maintenance Release
We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of WordPress 4.9.8. This maintenance release fixes 46 bugs, enhancements and blessed tasks, including updating the Twenty Seventeen bundled theme. Following are the highlights of what is now available.
“Try Gutenberg” callout
Most users will be presented with a notice in their WordPress dashboard. This “Try Gutenberg” is an opportunity for users to use the Gutenberg block editor before it is released in WordPress 5.0
In WordPress 4.9.8, the callout will be shown to the following users:

  • If Gutenberg is not installed or activated, the callout will be shown to Admin users on single sites, and Super Admin users on multisites.
  • If Gutenberg is installed and activated, the callout will be shown to Contributor users and above.
  • If the Classic Editor plugin is installed and activated, the […] “Try Gutenberg” Callout in WordPress.
    Privacy fixes / enhancements
    This release includes 18 Privacy fixes focused on ensuring consistency and flexibility in the new personal data tools that were added in 4.9.6, including :

    • The type of request being confirmed is now i ncluded in the subject line for all privacy confirmation emails
    • Improved consistency with site name being used for privacy emails in multisite.
    • Increased the test coverage for several core privacy functions


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