Download Vivaldi 3.8

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Version 3.8 of the web browser Vivaldi has been released. Vivaldi is a web browser developed by former Opera employees. He mainly focuses on power users and users of Opera before the switch to Chromium, although this browser is also based on it. Vivaldi has extensive capabilities such as mouse gestures, tab stacking, extended keyboard shortcuts, and annotation on web pages. The browser is free and is being developed for Windows, Linux and macOS, and since version 3.4 also for Android. The release notes for this release are as follows:

The Cookie Crumbler: Vivaldi’s cookie warning blocker

Do cookie dialogs drive you insane? In this new version, we reduce annoying cookie dialogs and banners by miles. For many of you, incessant cookie dialogs and banners are the new scourge of smooth browsing. While the purpose of the EU’s GDPR to protect users from tracking websites is noble, it has its side effects. Instead of avoiding using trackers and tracking ads, many websites bother users to manage their cookie preferences before allowing access to the content they came to see.

You are often required to click on multiple steps to manage such cookies, including hidden options, a dialog on every single page, or at times no way to deny them at all. Naturally, this makes for a frustrating browsing experience. This leads to clicking “allow” or “accept” without realizing that you unwittingly just gave permission for trackers to create behavioral profiles about you. Often, these clicks happen due to the fact that a website may not work without accepting the cookie dialog. We do not believe that this should be considered “consent”, and this tactic should not be allowed at all.

That’s why, in this update, we let the cookie dialogs crumble! how? Now you do not have to rely on extensions and can block a majority of these pestering dialogs and enjoy faster browsing through an option in our built-in Ad and Tracker Blocker when enabled.

While we evaluate ways to make the Cookie Crumbler available in our user interface and determine if it can be enabled by default, you can give it a try. Go to Vivaldi’s menu — Settings — Privacy — Tracker and Ad blocking — Manage Sources — Ad blocking sources and enable the “Remove cookie warnings” lists.

This will simply block the service that asks for consent, or hide the consent dialog, in the same way as it might remove a tracker or an ad. This feature is based on the regularly updated third-party block lists — EasyList Cookie List and ‘I Don’t Care About Cookies† While Cookie Crumbler works on most of the websites, this is not a perfect solution, as there will be a few websites that use other tactics to obtain cookie consent.

Please note that some sites may not let you in at all and may not work as you expect them to as they actually require cookie consent for some functionality but you can disable Vivaldi’s Ad Blocker on those sites to disable the Cookie Crumbler. Also, note that blocking cookie consent dialogs may not have the same result as rejecting all cookies on some websites.

FLoC no, in Vivaldi. User privacy is paramount

Unlike some browsers that track every step of your online activity, Vivaldi does the opposite. No data collection. No user profiling. Not even tracking of product features that you use in Vivaldi. In fact, we keep track of technologies that are harmful to user privacy. One such privacy-invasive technology is FLoC by Google, which builds profiles, and tracks you, in the absence of third-party cookies.

As FLoC has privacy risks, we’ve blacklisted the FLoC component in this update onwards. This means it will not be downloaded and will be removed if it has already been downloaded. In the previous versions of Vivaldi, Google’s FLoC experiment was prevented from working by not setting the hidden settings that it needed in order to run. Note: You may still see a “FLoC” folder in your profile if you previously used a version where the component was installed, but this folder will not contain any profiling data since the feature never worked in Vivaldi, and it can be safely deleted or ignored.

Panels redesigned. Light, fresh and shiny

New slick icons. No borders. The content now shines through the Panels. Literally. We’ve rebuilt the Panels. Adding flair and personal style to a product you use every day is natural and, really, what Vivaldi is about. The design overhaul of Vivaldi’s Panels puts you on top working with essential tools such as Bookmarks, Downloads, Notes, History, Window Panel, and Web Panels.

The new design upgrade makes the whole Panel transparent on top of the background image of your choice. It includes new options that make the browser visually stunning:

  • Opacity for the Panel background: Once the opacity setting is enabled, the image is shown through the Start Page Background. This setting also affects the Speed ​​Dial Title background.
  • Frosted look: Enable or disable blurring of the Panel background to get that “frosted” look.
  • Transparent Tab Bar: When enabled, the colored area behind the tabs can be completely removed. This allows the background image to show through here as well, completely covering the browser window. The Tab Bar area is also affected by the Blur setting.

If you prefer to stick to the way Panels were before, simply set the opacity to 100% and disable the Transparent Bar. We’ve also moved the Start Page Background settings to the Themes category. Now it is easier to find a good image that fits your current theme, and the best possible matching settings (colors, images, and opacity)

Rediscover the magic of Bookmarks

In Vivaldi 3.8, we’ve added a more powerful and quick way to add your bookmarks. Now when you press CTRL/CMD + D to bookmark, we add it instantly, without the need to open the dialog at all. easy. If you do want to open the dialog (by clicking the Bookmark button in the Address Bar), you’ll notice a lot of new choices:

  • Quickly filter between regular bookmark folders and speed dials folders.
  • Search for an existing bookmark folder or create a new one directly in the dialog.
  • A complete tree-view, with all folders available to expand and collapse

Other new bits in Vivaldi 3.8

  • Disable Mouse Gestures: Just like Keyboard Shortcuts, Mouse Gestures can now be turned on and off in Quick Commands.
  • Add ‘Extensions’ to Quick Commands: The previous version bolded the keyword when searched for in Quick Commands. From now on, users can now open extension pop-ups through Quick Commands by just typing in the extension’s name
  • Show menus for extensions through Quick Commands: This lets you show menus for extensions you have installed via quick commands. You could already do this without quick commands. So it adds power to QC.
  • Open tabs outside of stacks with Quick Commands: This is just being able to assign a new keyboard shortcut (or gesture or use quick commands) to open tabs outside of stacks when you are in a stack.

Version number 3.8.2259.37
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Vivaldic
License type Freeware
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