Software Update: TinyMCE 2.0

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TinyMCE is a cross-platform web-based HTML text editor built with Javascript that is easy to embed in a CMS. Some of the most important features are support for themes, templates, multiple languages ​​and the use of plugins. For more information about TinyMCE you can here justly. Moxiecode Systems has recently released TinyMCE 2.0 after four beta versions. The announcement looks like this:

TinyMCE 2.0 final released

TinyMCE 2.0 is now released as stable this means that we havn’t found any more critical bugs and issues so we recommend that you replace your existing 1.xx versions with 2.0 version.

The release of Firefox 1.5 resulted in new bugs and issues with TinyMCE so the 1.xx versions isn’t very compatible with this browser.

Since this is a major release, some compatibility issues will occur. One of these issues is that the directory structure is now more clear for example javascripts and CSS files have been moved into directories called jscript and css. We suggest that you first remove the whole TinyMCE directory before installing the 2.0 version becurse of this directory structure modifications.

The output HTML code is also be more XHTML valid for example some deprecated attributes and tags have been replaced with CSS styles.

Some new options where also introduced in this final release one of these options is the “convert_urls” options, when this is set to false TinyMCE will store away the URLs and leave them as they where so for example if a the HTML contained a relative URL and an absolute URL both these will be saved in that format. But this option is set to false by default, this means that all URLs will be forced relative from the document_base_url path and if you set the relative_urls to false, all URLs will be forced absolute.

Another interesting Firefox 1.5 specific option “table_inline_editing” was also introduced this enables you to control if the tables should display the inline table controls or not, this option is set to false by default since the Table controls are very buggy when it comes to colspans/ rowspans and they can’t be styled with CSS.

It also includes new initial support for Opera 9.0 Preview 1 most of the features in TinyMCE function in Opera. The only known things that doesn’t work is the search/replace function, the select node feature located in the element path and problems with modifying images. So it’s 98% working, some of these issues needs to be resolved by the Opera team but we are very impressed so far.

Lots of language packs where also included in this release, I must give my thanks to all of you that contributed language packs and patches.

Version number 2.0
Website Moxiecode Systems
License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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