Software Update: Tailscale 1.24.2

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Tailscale is an application and service that allows you to easily connect computers on different networks without having to adjust anything in terms of network infrastructure at each location. It is built on top WireGuard and simplifies setting up such networks by using various identity providers such as Google, Microsoft, Okta, OneLogin and SAP Identity Manager. For the differences between a network with WireGuard only and a network with WireGuard and Tailscale, we refer you to this faq† Depending on how you want to use Tailscale, there are cost be associated with. The developers released version 1.24.2 a few days ago with the following list of changes:

Version 1.24.2


  • Handling of HTTP proxies in certain circumstances
  • An issue where the new control plane protocol could fail to make a connection to our servers (#4557)


  • Additional fix in handling of HTTP proxies

Version 1.24.1


  • Two issues where the new control plane protocol could fail to make a connection to our servers (#4544, #4538)
  • Set TCP keep-alives in userspace-networking subnet router to avoid connection leaks (#4522)
  • Avoid using the LTE radio after transition to Wi-Fi

Version 1.24.0


  • Initial support for site-relative IPv4 addressing using IPv6
  • First for-keepsies deployment of ts2021 protocol
  • tsnet now supports providing a custom ipn.StateStore
  • Improve net stack performance via better GC tuning
  • MagicDNS: PTR records for TS service IPs
  • Build with Go 1.18


  • taildrop: add file get –loop
  • taildrop: add file get –conflict=(skip|overwrite|rename)
  • Default to userspace-networking mode on gokrazy
  • Set tailscale0 link speed to UNKNOWN, not 1Gbps
  • Attempt to load the xt_mark kernel module when it is not present


  • Improve HTTPS proxy handling


  • Improve HTTPS proxy handling


  • Android TV support
  • Fix and reintroduce Talkback support


  • Port mapping support

Version number 1.24.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, BSD, macOS, iOS, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
Website Tail scale
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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