Download Slackware 8.1 RC1

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Anonymous: 26362 was the 1st today to inform us that Slackware 8.1 RC1 is ready for download. This RC1 includes Mozilla-1.0rc3, KDE-3.0.1, gcc-3.1 and Xfree86 4.2.0. For a full list of updates, check here. Below is a part of the website of slackware

As recently reported on Slashdot, the first release candidate for Slackware 8.1 is now available on (and hopefully some mirrors by now). Recent additions to -current include Mozilla-1.0rc3, KDE-3.0.1, and gcc-3.1. This is all leading up to what we’re hoping will be the best Slackware release ever! Thanks to all the people contributing bug reports, patches, and suggestions. †

Version number 8.1 RC1
Operating systems Linux, Linux x86
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