Software Update: Shadow BitTorrent 5.8.9

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BitTorrent allows you to exchange files with other users. The unique thing about this program is the way in which files are shared: before you can start downloading, something has to be beamed upwards. The technique used makes it possible to divide large files into small pieces. This means that, for example, a film does not have to be complete before it can be read by another of you. One of the many Windows clients is Shadow’s Bittorrent. The latest release is known as version number 5.8.9 and is here ready for download. The changelog looks like this:

  • new client code makes it easier on trackers
  • new tracker code[break]More information about the history of BitTorrent can be found in this article.
  • Version number 5.8.9
    Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
    Website Degreez
    file size


    License type Freeware
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