Software Update: RJ TextEd 14.90.4

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Version 14.90.4 of RJ TextEd has been released. This free Swedish-made text editor has several features, which are especially interesting for software and web developers, such as syntax highlighting, autocompletion, extensive selection and sorting options and an embedded (s)ftp client. The program is being developed for Windows, but can also be used under Linux via Wine. Since version 14.70, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Version 14.90.4

Find References (View-Panels-LSP Client)

This is a language server feature that will list all references to the item under the text cursor. It can be a variable, function, object … Menu item is found in the right click context menu (Find – Find References). The references tree lists file and references found in that file. Double click on an item to select it in the document.

Document Symbols (View-Panels-LSP Client)

This is a language server feature. You can use the panel to display a hierarchical tree view of all classes, methods, properties etc. in a file or open document.

Symbol Search

Another language server feature. The search box is located in the document symbols panel. The search is project wide and will list items found in both your project files and in library files. Some useful keys:

  • Down Move down to the tree view below.
  • Esc Clear search and change focus to the editor.
  • Space Select focused item in the tree view, but keep focus on the tree view.
  • Enter Select focused item in the tree view and change focus to the editor.

Diagnostics (View-Panels-LSP Client)

Another language server feature. The tree view will display diagnostic errors, warnings, hint and information found in any of the open documents. Diagnostics are also displayed in the code explorer, but only for the currently active document. The diagnostics panel display information from all open documents.

Rename symbol

This is another language server feature. The menu item can be found in the right click context menu. Use it to rename a class, object, method, field variable or any other symbol under the cursor. The renaming is project wide, so all instances of the symbol will be renamed (even if the file isn’t open).

Format document

Another language server feature to format a selection, or the whole current document. The menu item is available in the right click context menu. A prompt asking for options is displayed when selecting the menu item.

Preview Commands

Available in the HTML menu. Allows you to assign a file extension to a command used when previewing a file. The command can eg convert the current document to a HTML file and allow you to preview the converted file.

Ex. Command: showdown Argument: makehtml -i “%s” -o “%d” “%s” = current document “%d” = converted HTML file used for preview

This is used in all previews, eg live preview, internal browsers, browser tabs…


  • Open local help file.
  • Temp files should be deleted and not moved to the recycle bin.
  • A few reported issues.

Version 14.81


Made some changes to auto completion when selecting property.

Project todo panel

Added a todo panel that list all project wide todos and notes found in your project files. The listview display todo/note string, filename, path and the line number.

UI RTL support

Made some changes to better support Arabic and Urdu languages ​​in menus and toolbar dropdown menus.


  • Some reported bugs.

Version 14.80.1

Language server (LSP) support

It’s now possible to use language servers with projects and sites.

The language server will scan your project files (or site) and provide completion, mouse hover information, parameter hints and diagnostics (errors, warnings, information, hints). And if the server supports it, find definition/type definition/declaration/implementation.

You need to install the language server yourself. And when done, you can add it to your project or site. The forum has a thread containing information on how to install different language servers and how to add them to your project or site. You can add several language servers to each project or site. The editor support stdio and tcp socket communication, so it should work with most language servers.


  • Made some changes to the JScript (JavaScript/Typescript) syntax file.
  • Made some minor changes in the C++ syntax file.
  • Added some hover hints for script elements.


  • Navigation in explorer panel.
  • Favorites click in explorer panel.
  • Quick find icons.
  • C++ fold issue.
  • Several fold issues.
  • Duplicate line undo issue.
  • Find/Replace issue with line feeds.
  • Find issue in hex mode.
  • Scrollbar issue when opening file in hex mode.
  • Fixed several reported issues.

Version 14.73

script functions

Added a few new functions to “Document” and “MainApp”.

  • Document.Capitalize()
    Capitalize selection. Should work the same way as the menu item.
  • MainApp.OutputDebugString(strText, value)
    Output a string and value to the message panel. “value” is a Variant and can be an integer, float, date, boolean or string.
  • MainApp.OutputDebugObjectString(strText, obj)
    Output a string and values ​​from public properties found in the object. “obj” can be any object, TStringlist, TElMenuItem…
    (Inherited fields and properties are not included in the output.)


  • PHP syntax file use regular expressions for class and functions.
  • Added script function “Document.Capitalize()”.
  • Made a small change in how items are listed in project panel search.


  • Window startup position on multi monitor setup.
  • Current folder toolbar icon not working properly in explorer panel.
  • Color dialog window background with some themes.
  • A startup issue.
  • Fixed several potential issues in the project panel.
  • Fixed many potential issues (compiler warning) in the code.

Version 14.72


  • Arabic was added to the list of available languages.
  • Cpp syntax file has been updated.


  • SFTP issues when changing remote directory.
  • Lorem Ipsum in HTML menu could not be translated.
  • Exit compare mode error.
  • Change case functions in multi selection mode.
  • A startup issue where some file may not be accessible.
  • Minor issues in the Regular expression Creator.
  • Dual view action issue.
  • Error in customize keyboard shortcut window.
  • Redraw issue when a panel is hidden to a side.
  • Current file path in explorer panel toolbar should work now.
  • Delete issue when external document is visible (tab dragged outside the document area).
  • Save All enable issue when using multiple document views.
  • Close bracket issue in style section.

Version 14.71

New text clip commands

Added commands to extract file name, file directory and file extension from a variable inside a text clip. It is possible to use one of the following commands with a variable containing a file path:

#d = folder path (dir) #f = file name (without path) #e = file extension Eg If we have a file variable defined like [[file]]= @fi[] Then, we can create a text clip like below: The file “#f[[file]]” is located in the “#d[[file]]” flyer.

FTP panel (drag n drop)

The FTP panel now accepts a document tab to upload the document to the currently open remote folder.


Updated the libraries and component to the latest version.


  • Scrollbar issue in explorer panel.
  • Rare brace matching issue that may occur with certain theme options.
  • Context menu items in sites panel should be disabled if no site is open.
  • Issue in editor component.
  • Issue when closing a cloned document.

Version number 14.90.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Rickard Johansson
License type Freeware
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