Download phpWebSite 0.9.3-1

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Content management systems are used to manage the content on websites. The Web Technology Group of Appalachian State University has developed the system phpWebSite in the development language PHP. This system is described as follows:

Developed by the Web Technology Group at Appalachian State University, phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system. All client output is XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative requirements.[break]Version 0.9.3-1 was recently released which has received many security improvements over version 0.9.3. In addition, support for SSL has been added and about 40 bugs have been solved. The release notes therefore look like this:[/break]The phpWebSite development team has released version 0.9.3-1 of its popular content management system. The main purpose of this release is to address the recently discovered security vulnerability issues that were posted across many security forums. Fixes for the XSS, DOS, and SQL injection problems are all included. Many other updates have been made to the core, providing the ability to run phpWebSite in SSL mode. Over 40 bugs have been closed and 4 user submitted patches applied to phpWebSite since the release of 0.9.3. All in all we feel this is one of our most stable releases to date.[break]For those who have become interested in phpWebSite, one can here view an online demo.

Version number 0.9.3-1
Operating systems Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Linux x86, macOS
Website sourceforge
License type GPL
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