Download FileZilla 3.41.0 RC1

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The release candidate of version 3.41.0 of the open source FTP client FileZilla has appeared. FileZilla is small, simple and yet complete. The program is popular due to its low system resource load. FileZilla is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Since version 3.26.0, passwords are no longer stored unencrypted and unsecured on the computer.

Be careful with the download file recommended by SourceForge, as it is often bundled with third-party software. on this page installation files that do not contain additional components. A wrong installation is easily recognized by the word bundled in the file name. The changelog for this release looks like this:

Bug fixes and minor changes:

  • Fixed crash if adding a bookmark with the current connection not yet having a Site Manager entry
  • Fixed a rare crash if closing FileZilla while a recursive chmod operation is still in progress
  • Fixed a rare crash if starting directory comparison on an empty directory without logical parent
  • Fixed a rare crash on changing the file list sort order when the focused item index has previously become invalid
  • Restrict the maximum length of regular expressions in filter conditions due to bugs in some implementations of the C++ Standard Library causing crashes
  • OS X: Fixed crash if the path of a file dropped on FileZilla cannot be obtained
  • Fixed order in which directories helper tools and data files are searched for
  • Fixed a rare crash if closing tab during an ongoing recursive directory deletion

Version number 3.41.0 RC1
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Website FileZilla
License type GPL
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