Download Fedora 8 Test 2

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Fedora is a Linux distribution resulting from a collaboration between Red Hat and the Fedora Project, and is based on technology derived from Red Hat. Since version 7, the Core repository has been completely dropped, so that they now work completely independently. The second test version of Fedora 8 has recently been released in which the necessary packages have been updated and added such as Linux Kernel 2.6.23, Gnome 2.20 RC, KDE 3.5.7, iced tea and PulseAudio. In addition, various ‘spins’ are also made available, each of which is tailored to a specific target group, such as application developers or electronics engineers. The announcement on the Fedora 8 test 2 mailing list looks like this:

Batten down the hatches, Fedora 8 Test 2 spotted just over the port side bow! A veritable “sea” of choices await you in this release. First up is the “Fedora” installable ‘choose your own adventure’ style set of isos and trees for i386, x86_64, and ppc(64). Next up we have a variety of Live images:

  • Fedora Live (i686, x86_64, ppc) – A good general use Desktop live image. i686 even fits on a CD!
  • Fedora KDE Live (i686, x86_64) – A Desktop based on the KDE software suite. i686 even fits on a CD!
  • Fedora Developer Live (i686) – A Live image designed for software developers.
  • Fedora Electronic Lab (FEL) Live (i686) – A live image designed for engineers working on electronics. Fits on a CD!

Remember that these Live images can be used on USB media via the ‘livecd-iso-to-disk’ utility available in the livecd-tools package.

Test 2 is for “beta” users. This is the time where we have more features in a “testable” state where the more people using them and the more feedback we get the better. So please help us make Fedora 8 as good as we can!

Work in progress release notes for this test release can be found in the Fedora Wiki. This is the second test release of the Fedora 8 release, which is scheduled for November 8, 2007. For further information see here.

The Release Engineering and QA teams keep track of bugs that are considered release blockers. You can see that list here. In addition, a list of non-blocker bugs that should be fixed for Fedora 8 if possible can be found here. Please check these lists before reporting new bugs!

Version number 8 test 2
Release status beta
Operating systems Linux
Website Fedora announce
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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