Download Caliber 6.29.0

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Version 6.29 of Caliber has been released. This open source e-book management tool is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It can, among other things, look up all relevant information and cover images, and convert e-books to make them suitable for various types of e-readers. Furthermore, the program can convert newspapers, magazines and news articles into e-book format based on RSS feeds. Books can also be purchased with Caliber from well-known online stores.

In version 6.0 the switch to Qt 6 has been made, among other things. However, this does mean that the program only works on computers equipped with a 64bit processor and requires at least Windows 10 or macOS 11. Furthermore, you can now search all books in the library instead of just the current book, and there are also versions for Arm and Apple Silicon processors. The following changes and improvements have also been made in this update:

New features

  • E-book viewer: Add a command line flag –new-instance to force the viewer to open a new window even if the option to always use a single viewer window is set. Closes tickets: 2038760.
  • E-book viewer: Image popup: Add a checkbox to remember the last used zoom level. Closes tickets: 2038862.

Bug fixes

  • Annotations browser: Fix exporting highlights in markdown not including all chapter titles for books with only a single highlight per chapter or a multi level ToC. Closes tickets: 2039336.
  • E-book viewer: Fix a regression that could cause the viewer to enter an infinite loop when displaying the result of a search that has only one match that is not found. Closes tickets: 2038747.
  • E-book viewer: Fix the occasional search result being marked as not found even though it is found. Closes tickets: 2038747.
  • TXTZ Output plugin: Only keep images if the text format is one that can reference images. Closes tickets: 2039474.
  • TXTZ Output: Fix cover not being properly identified in the generated TXTZ metadata. Closes tickets: 2038848.
  • FB2 Input: Fix the “Annotations” section not showing up in the Table of Contents. Closes tickets: 2038575.
  • Linux: Content server: Do not call listen on pre-activated sockets. Closes tickets: 2039395.
  • Fix sort order of similarly-named hierarchical categories.
  • Fix a regression that broke reading of covers from HTMLZ and TXTZ files. Closes tickets: 2038778.

New news sources

  • Project Syndicate, and Newslaundry by unkn0wn

Improved news sources

  • Wall Street Journal
  • Scientific American
  • 1843
  • Financial Times
  • Spectator Magazine
  • El Diplo
  • Washington Post
  • National Geographic

Version number 6.29.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, macOS, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Calibre
License type GPL
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