Download AutoHotkey 2.0.3

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Version 2.0.3 of AutoHotkey has been released. This program allows you to place frequently used keystrokes, actions and/or button combos with keyboard and mouse in a script behind a shortcut key, so that the action in question is performed in one go. It is also possible to convert previously scripted key combinations from AutoIt2 to the AutoHotkey scripting language. Version 2.0 includes a new command set that is much more structured, but is not compatible with the 1.1 versions. More about the differences between 1.1 and 2.0 can be found here this page are being found. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

Changes in version 2.0.3:

  • Fixed Hotkey(“a”, “b”) to use the original function of “b”, not “a”. [PR #318]
  • Fixed FileSetAttribute crash when used in a File Reading Loop. [PR #323]
  • Fixed duplicate Gui control name errors to correctly abort the thread.
  • Fixed DateTime/MonthCal Range option not applying minimum value.
  • Fixed s[x] => x and other single-line properties starting with “s”.
  • Fixed a bug with deleting a breakpoint on a static line containing =>.
  • Fixed Button control not becoming default when clicked.
  • Fixed PixelSearch to unset X when pixel is not found.
  • Fixed hotstring with escape sequence causing next line to be skipped.
  • Fixed WinTitle ignoring character 1 when “ahk_” is at character 2.
  • Fixed remapping to utilize right-hand modifier already being down. For example, +x::+y will no longer release RShift to press LShift.
  • Changed error message for a == b && c() and similar cases to avoid alluding to legacy =.
  • Improved error message for some cases of unintended line continuation.
  • Fixed reserved words to be permitted as method names, as documented.
  • Fixed duplicate OnMessage calls for some keyboard messages.
  • Fixed inter-referenced closures being deleted prematurely.
  • Fixed SetFont to permit leading spaces in the Options parameter.
  • Fixed sending of {ASC nnnn}.
  • Fixed a.base := a to throw an error.
  • Fixed xy := unset causing crashes or undefined behavior.
  • Fixed GuiControl.Move() to be relative to the GUI’s client area even when the GUI is not its parent.
  • Fixed Menu Add overwriting items which were appended by Menu Insert.

Version number 2.0.3
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website AutoHotkey
File size


License type GPL
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