Rumor: Samsung Galaxy Note 5 has USB-c port

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Samsung would like to equip the Galaxy Note 5 as the first of its smartphones with a USB-C port. That reports a usually reliable Chinese site. It would not be the first time that Samsung is experimenting with a new USB port on a Galaxy Note.

The USB-c port should, among other things, allow for shorter charging times, writes the Chinese Zol. Samsung would be one of the first smartphone makers to put a USB-C port on its phone. The move wouldn’t come as a surprise, as Google previously said USB-c would be coming to Android smartphones. The Android tablet Nokia N1 is already equipped with the new USB connection.

In addition to the connection for faster charging, USB-C is also reversible, which means that unlike micro-USB, users cannot try to plug the cable in the wrong way. Apple has been using the reversible Lightning connector on its iPhones for some years now. It is not known whether the connection also provides higher data transfer speeds: there is a generation 1 of USB 3.1 with the same 5Gbit/s speed as USB 3.0 and there is a generation 2 with 10Gbit/s.

It would not be the first time that Samsung is experimenting with a new USB connection on a Note smartphone. The Note 3 has a USB 3.0 connection. Samsung did not continue that experiment. The Note 4 no longer has that.

The Galaxy Note 5 would be a device with 4100mAh battery, Exynos 7422-soc with eight processor cores and an optional keyboard cover. Samsung invariably presented its Galaxy Note smartphones at the IFA electronics fair. This year, the presentations prior to IFA will probably take place on Wednesday, September 2.

Render of what the Galaxy Note 5 might look like. This is not a leaked image of the device itself.

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