Parent company Aylo blocks access to Pornhub and other sites in two US states

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Parent company Aylo has blocked access to porn sites such as Pornhub, Redtube and Brazzers in Montana and North Carolina. States have introduced laws requiring sites to check the age of users when visiting.

Since last week the sites started banning users, reports 404Media. Aylo, formerly Mindgeek, does not agree with the rules that the states have introduced to check the age of users. According to the company, this should happen on the device and not on the site. Users will see a message stating that the company disagrees with applicable law.

Montana and North Carolina are not the first states where Aylo is closing its sites. That happened for the first time in Utah last May. Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Virginia have since followed suit. This case also occurred in Texas, but after a court ruling the sites are available again.

Brazzers / Redtube / Pornhub in US states with age verification law

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