Mud makes Smash Ultimate controller from Spam and Wii Nunchuk

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A modder has made a working controller from a can of Spam. In the can of ham, he built a button to attack with the character ‘Ness’ in Switch game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Spam.

The controller is, as its name suggests, intended for people who often use the same attacks in succession, i.e. spamming. The empty ham tin has a microcontroller built in and one button.

InsertControllerHere, the creator of the controller, also brought in a Wii Nunchuk to actually move with the character. The controller can also be used with other characters, with the limitation that there is only one usable button.

They are not InsertControllerHere’s only controller projects. He also previously made a meat, banana and mayonnaise controller.

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