Microsoft stops selling Band 2 wearable

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Microsoft has removed the Band 2 from its site and appears to have stopped offering the SDK for the wearable. This seems to put an end to Microsoft’s efforts in the field of fitness wearables.

Microsoft took its first step into the fitness tracker world in 2014 with the first Band and released the Band 2 last year. There will be no Band 3 this year and, moreover, the team that developed the wearable seems to have disbanded, ZDNet reports.

If you search carefully, you can find the listing on the site, but the Buy button no longer works. References to the listing have disappeared on other pages. The consequences for the Benelux are small. Microsoft has not offered the wearable for sale on a large scale in the Low Countries.

Microsoft has also stopped offering the SDK, which developers could use to build their own services for the wearables. In a statement to ZDNet, Microsoft confirms that it is depleted of stock, but that it promises to continue supporting the wearable.

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