Microsoft launches smaller Xbox Wireless adapter

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Microsoft has announced a new version of its Xbox Wireless adapter. The new adapter to wirelessly connect Xbox controllers to a Windows PC is a lot smaller than its predecessor, supports up to eight controllers and can transmit stereo sound.

According to Microsoft, the updated adapter is 66 percent smaller than the current model. That should make it easier to plug it into a laptop, for example, and connect other USB devices at the same time.

The new adapter will be priced the same as the current model, Microsoft reports. The price of the Xbox Wireless adapter is currently 22.99 euros in the Microsoft Store. The adapter will also be sold as a bundle with a wireless Xbox One controller, in the US that bundle costs $ 80, presumably the euro price is the same. According to Microsoft, the new adapter will be available in “a number of” markets this month. What those are has not been disclosed.

All new Xbox One controllers also work wirelessly with bluetooth, so the adapter is not required to use the controllers on a PC. However, the official adapter should provide a more stable connection because it uses the same wireless protocol as the Xbox console itself. In addition, only one controller can be connected to a Windows PC via Bluetooth.

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