How to make photos disappear in WhatsApp with one time view

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The latest version of WhatsApp has a new feature: one-time view. Makes a photo disappear after the recipient has seen it. But how do you use it?

Up to date

First, it is important that you have the latest version of WhatsApp. The one-time view was added in version 2.21.150, so make sure you have that version (or newer) on your iPhone.

You can check your version in WhatsApp at ‘Settings>Help’. The version is shown at the top. Still on an older version? Then go to the App Store, tap the account button at the top right and then tap ‘Update all’ at the bottom.

WhatsApp one-time display

If your app is completely up to date, use one-time view like this:

  • Open a conversation.
  • Tap ‘+’ at the bottom left.
  • Use the camera to take a new photo, or choose a photo from your photo and video library.
  • Now tap the ‘1’ next to the send button. The button is colored blue.

Now if you tap the send button, the recipient can only view the photo once. It will therefore not be stored in the recipient’s photo library. Useful!

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