Intel ships record 100 million processors in a quarter

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Intel shipped 100 million processors last quarter. Never before has the chip giant delivered so many processors in three months, for PCs, tablets, phones and servers. Intel delivered good results in the quarter and achieved record sales.

Compared to last year, Intel recorded an increase in revenue and profit in the past quarter, partly due to the recovery in PC sales. However, the mobile division of the chip giant continues to struggle with a loss of one billion dollars, converted 790 million euros. The division achieved a turnover of only one million dollars, or 790,000 euros. According to Intel, that was ‘as expected’. Intel pays manufacturers for the use of its socs. The group calls this ‘counter revenue’ and hopes to gain a foothold in a market dominated by ARM.

With chips for PCs, however, Intel achieved a turnover of 9.2 billion dollars, or 7.28 billion euros, which was 9 percent more than last year. The discontinuation of Windows XP by Microsoft probably plays a role in this: for this reason many consumers and organizations decided to purchase new systems. Processors for PCs still make up two-thirds of Intel’s revenue.

A quarter of the turnover comes from chips for data centers. The industry’s quarterly revenue grew 16 percent year-on-year. Intel is investing heavily in chips for internet-of-things applications. Turnover for that branch grew by 14 percent to USD 530 million, or EUR 419 million.

In the end, the quarterly turnover reached the record amount of 14.6 billion dollars, or 11.5 billion euros, which was 8 percent higher than last year. The profit amounted to 3.3 billion dollars, converted 2.6 billion euros, and the profit increase was therefore 12 percent.

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