HTC will release VR glasses Vive Cosmos in three weeks for 799 euros

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HTC will release its Vive Cosmos VR glasses in Europe in three weeks for 799 euros. For that amount, buyers get the VR glasses and the associated controllers. The Taiwanese maker of VR headsets has also presented the first mod for the VR glasses.

According to the manufacturer, the VR glasses have a modular design, which allows mods to add or change functions. That should make the Vive Cosmos more future-proof, says HTC. The first mod is the External Tracking Mod, which allows the Vive Cosmos to work with Lighthouse trackers from the first Vive. By default, the Vive Cosmos has inside-out tracking.

The VR glasses work in combination with PCs, although HTC has not put any system requirements online. In any case, the PC must have USB 3.0 and DisplayPort 1.2. The headset itself has a USB 3.0 connection and a separate proprietary connection for mods. The Vive Cosmos is compatible with the Wireless Adapter which eliminates the need for a wired connection to the PC. This requires a PCIe slot.

The Vive Cosmos has two LCDs with a combined resolution of 2880×1700 pixels and a refresh rate of 90Hz. The VR glasses come with an annual subscription for Viveport Infinity. The headset will be released October 3. HTC presented the Vive Cosmos during the CES fair in January.

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