Grim Fandango coming to PS4 and Vita after 15 years

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Grim Fandango, the classic point & click adventure game from Tim Schafer and Lucasarts, is coming to PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. Tim Schafer’s development studio Double Fine is revamping the graphics for this port.

The news comes from Sony’s E3 press conference. The original Grim Fandango came out for Windows in October 1998 and is considered a classic today. In Grim Fandango, the player takes on the role of Manny Calavera, the travel agent who must ensure that the souls of deceased people can reach the gates of the afterlife. While on the job, Manny uncovers a case of crime and corruption.

The game is being re-released by Double Fine, the studio of Tim Schafer. Schafer was also the director of the original 1998 Grim Fandango. While the press conference spoke of exclusivity for the PlayStation 4 and Vita, Twitter Schafer is concerned that other platforms will also be discussed in the future.

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