Download Firmware Sigma SD14 1.08

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Sigma has for its digital SLR cameras of the type SD14 released a new firmware with 1.08 as the version number. Among other things, it fixes an issue that caused some raw files to display too large a file size. The list of changes since the previous entry in the junk tracker looks like this:

Version 1.08:

  • Corrects the occasional phenomenon of an image recorded in RAW format appearing to have an unnaturally large file size.
  • Corrects the rarely occurring error of camera freeze and image recording failure when shooting continuously or if the shutter button is pressed when the CF Card Busy Light is blinking.
  • When Bulb Mode is used Sigma Photo Pro now displays the actual shutter speed used in the exposure rather than just showing the word “Bulb”.

Version 1.07:

  • Exposure time of Bulb Mode is increased from 30 seconds to 2 minutes (It is only available when the camera is set to Extended Mode).
  • Accuracy of the Evaluative Metering has been improved.

Version number 1.08
Release status Final
Website Sigma
License type Freeware
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