Firmware update AirPods Pro: you need to know this

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Apple has released a firmware update for the AirPods Pro. A firmware update improves performance and security – you don’t have to expect new functions. It sounds boring but necessary … and it is. But luckily Apple keeps you out of the wind.

Install Update AirPods

Usually you have to install firmware updates via an app, you have to manually connect this and then you cannot use your device for a while. Consider the AirPort configuration program for Apple’s (late) routers, or updates for speakers or headphones. There is no app for the AirPods, but you don’t have to. The update happens completely automatically. It is not entirely clear when the update will take place, but it appears that it will be downloaded as soon as you connect your AirPods Pro to your iPhone or iPad and will be installed as soon as the caps are in the case and it is being charged.

Check firmware

Super handy of course that Apple does not bother you with the firmware update, but control freaks and people with slightly autistic traits (who do not) want to know whether the installation has already been completed or not. They have also been thought of. In the Settings app (on the device connected to the AirPods Pro) go to “General> Info”, scroll down to AirPods Pro (about 3/4) and you will see the firmware version there. 2B584 is the old version, 2B588 is the update. Is this not yet installed? Wait patiently.rself with the new app

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