‘Firmware Nintendo Switch includes NES game Golf’

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According to a developer, the Nintendo Switch firmware includes an NES emulator that can play the 1984 game Golf. It is not yet known how players can access the emulator and the game.

Developer yellows8 says on Twitter that the game can be run in an ‘unofficial’ way. He does not disclose how. He also says he does not know how to start the game in an official way. He posted screenshots of the game on SwitchBrew, which can be found in the Switch’s firmware under the heading ‘flog’.

The game can be played with the Joy-Cons, with the d-pad or with motion control. The game can be played by one or two players at the same time. Yellows8 says the NES game has been in the Switch console since firmware 1.0.0. A few months ago it was announced via SwitchBrew that an NES emulator would be available.

Nintendo has not yet announced anything about the arrival of NES games to the Switch. For now, there is no Virtual Console available on the latest Nintendo console. Last week, the Japanese console builder announced that the classic arcade games are coming to the Switch. The first game, Mario Bros., will be released on September 27.

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