EU: Member States must do more to keep 5g networks safe

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The European Commission has released a report on the state of affairs regarding 5g in the member states. This shows that while countries are taking steps, more needs to be done to keep the networks safe.

The report, which was put online on Friday, shows that not all countries have yet implemented the recommendations of the ‘5G Toolbox’. For example, Member States must do more to draw up risk profiles of suppliers in order to determine on that basis whether they may supply equipment for the 5g network. Although not mentioned by name, the European Commission is probably referring to Huawei, which is now seen by many countries as a security risk; several countries have already decided to ban Huawei from the network. According to the EU, one third of the Member States does not yet do enough about the risk profiles of suppliers.

Another finding from the report is that governments should do more to maintain control of 5g networks so that they have the power to regulate telecom providers offering 5g for the sake of national security. In addition, the EU would also like to see member states draw up an audit plan to be able to request information from telecom providers about the use of 5g equipment.

In addition, member states must draw up guidelines on what telecom providers can and cannot outsource and more must be done to increase the number of suppliers so that countries are not dependent on one or a few suppliers. Finally, the Commission would like to see countries speed up the formulation of security requirements for the 5g network.

The EU report is part of the Toolbox set up earlier this year to help member states properly implement 5g in their telecom networks.

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