Eindhoven University study association breaks world record for largest Tetris

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Study association Thor of the TU/e ​​from Eindhoven claims to have the world record for the largest Tetris game. The game has an area of ​​1,000 square meters and consists of LEDs and half ping pong balls.

The record has not yet received official confirmation from Guinness, the company that keeps world records for its Book of World Records, but Thor, the TU/e ​​study association for electrical engineering students, is convinced that confirmation will come. It’s the second attempt after Thor’s first attempt failed two years ago, Cursor writes.

The Tetris game is currently located in the MetaForum, a TU/e ​​building. Later this month, interested parties should only marvel at the great Tetris game, when it will sit upright on the Potential building. During the week of December 15, visitors can control the game with joysticks.

The game consists of 3200 LEDs and half ping pong balls, which have to spread the light. The record attempt was delayed when the power grid shorted out, but the game finally worked before dark on Monday afternoon; then the students completed the necessary four rows for the record attempt.

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