Brave Search is out of beta and lets users choose custom search rankings

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Brave Search, Brave Browser’s search engine, is out of beta. At the same time, Brave has started testing the search engine tool Goggles. It allows users to control how their search results are ranked.

According to Brave .’s own numbers In the past year, approximately 2.5 billion searches were conducted through Search. The peak is at 14.1 million searches per day. Because Brave says it is satisfied with the increasing use of Search, it has decided to withdraw the search engine from the beta.

The Goggles Tool can be found in a tab at Search. It allows users to adjust search rankings and choose which results should be higher or lower. Goggles can also be shared with other users. One possible application of Goggles is to exclude websites that publish clickbait or copy content from other sources without permission. To demonstrate the feature, Brave itself has made some Goggles available.

The first open beta version of the Search search engine was released last year. Brave’s search engine is characterized by not being able to track users. No IP addresses are collected, although website administrators can see certain metrics by looking at how many unique users reach them through the Brave search engine. The company also makes public how the search algorithm works.

Source: Brave

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