Brabant universities start big data training in Den Bosch

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Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology signed an agreement on Friday for a new university program that focuses on ‘big data’. The training is expected to start next academic year.

With the new training, the universities train young researchers to become data scientists at master’s and post-master’s level. They believe that society needs these scientists, as an unprecedented amount of data is being collected at breakneck speed. According to the training institutes, it is necessary to be able to manage and research these so-called ‘big data’ for analytical purposes.

Big data is a collective name for huge data sets that are hardly manageable with regular data management systems, in business and politics. In the future master’s programme, TU/e ​​will mainly focus on information technology and entrepreneurship, while Tilburg University will focus on the role of government, the economy and law.

Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology are each putting ten million euros on the table for the establishment of the so-called Graduate School. The province of Brabant and the municipality of Den Bosch both spend the same amount, which means a total amount of forty million is involved in the establishment of the training.

However, there are still a few ifs and buts. Provincial Council, the Bossche city council and the Supervisory Board and the Foundation Board of TU/e ​​and TiU respectively still have to agree. The participation bodies of both universities will also be given the opportunity to consider setting up the programme.

The new master’s and post-master’s program for data scientists is expected to take place in the Mariënburg monastery in Den Bosch. This is special, because the Brabant capital does not have a university. It will therefore be the first time that there is a location in Den Bosch where academic education will be offered. This was also reported earlier when the first contours of the plan were taking shape. Den Bosch also wants to house start-ups at Mariënburg.

Politicians and universities want to make analyzing big data one of the hobbyhorses of the province of Brabant. With the establishment of the big data courses, which the universities themselves already offer on their campuses, Brabant would gain an international lead. In particular, this would tap into a multi-billion dollar market in the future.

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