Apple has started lowering the App Store commission for small developers

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Apple has started charging a lower commission for developers who earn less than a million dollars a year in revenue from the App Store. The cut would take effect from January 1, but some developers report that this is already the case now.

The maker of Mac app ImageFramer shows on Twitter screenshots of his sales and earnings on December 24. His app generated $ 50 in revenue on that day, of which he gets $ 42.5. The commission that Apple appropriates is therefore 15 percent, previously it was 30 percent.

According to AppleInsider, there are also other developers who are reporting that they are now paying less commission, but the change has not yet been made for all eligible developers. Apple initially said this would happen January 1, 2021.

In November, Apple announced that developers who earn less than a million dollars a year will pay less commission. To be eligible, developers must sign up for the App Store Small Business Program. Large developers who generate a lot of revenue from the App Store continue to pay the high rate of 30 percent.

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