Animal Crossing: New Horizons is Nintendo’s most successful game in Europe ever

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Nintendo has sold more than 7 million copies of Animal Crossing: New Horizons in Europe in a year. That makes the Switch game the most successful Nintendo title in Europe ever. No other Nintendo game sold so many copies in one year.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons beats Nintendo blockbusters such as Mario and Zelda. The game was released in March last year and by December 31.2 million copies had already been shipped worldwide. Nintendo now provides a specific figure for sales in Europe for the first time.

According to Nintendo, one in three European Switch owners owns a copy of the game. This concerns both digital and physical versions. Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released in March 2020, when the corona pandemic broke out. In the months that followed, the Switch was difficult to obtain, partly due to the success of that game.

Nintendo will provide the game with a free update on Thursday. It contains new items and an Island Promoter. This allows players to create a poster or trailer of their island, using a screenshot or video made with the Switch. Players can thus show their creations to others.

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