Download eMule 0.28a

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Version 0.28a of the eMule program was recently released. This allows you to easily share files via the used eDonkey2000 network. A large number of changes have been made in this version which can be found in the following changelog, please note that this version has an alpha status:

Apr 15th, 2003
Sony/bluecow: tweaked hashing algorithm, should be less CPU intensive now
VQB: long UL sessions checked for not “full chunk” method
VQB: prevent multiple checks of directories when hashing (khaos)

Apr 14th, 2003
VQB: added Total UL/DL ratio to statstree

Apr 13th, 2003
bluecow:Redid “Add Friend” dialog.
bluecow:Added “Detail” dialog for not connected friends. If a friend is currently connected, the details function shows the “Client Details” dialog.

Apr 12th, 2003
Unk: Receive Hard and Soft file limit for servers.
Unk: Server list was not updated when a server description was received.
bluecow:Workaround for columns resizing to zero width when double clicking on divider.
bluecow:Fixed bug where unwanted client could become a friend.
bluecow:Fixed bug with OP_ASKSHAREDFILESDIR where remote client does not get the shared files from a folder which has no trailing backslash.
bluecow:Support for viewing remote client’s shared directories in search results.
bluecow:Fixed bug where client changed from HighID to LowID and still receives the old HighID of itself via source exchange and wanted to connect to itself.

Apr 11th, 2003
bluecow:Unified all message boxes.
bluecow:Optimized drawing and sorting functions for several list controls.
bluecow:Fixed bug in source exchange where client gets no sources as long as it does not have at least one complete part.
bluecow:Little optimization on loading of server.met
bluecow:Implementation of eDonkey protol message OP_END_OF_DOWNLOAD
bluecow:Several small code changes and potential bug fixes due to temporary compiling with warning level 4!

Apr 9th, 2003
bluecow:Fixed bug when requesting hashset and remote client does not answer immediatly with the hashset.
bluecow:Fixed heap corruption when receiving a server’s OP_SERVERIDENT without any strings

Apr 7th, 2003
Ornis: Categories: Doubleclick opens category preferences; Category shown as downloadlist column (optional)
Ornis: Category: new priority preference – new assigned files get this priority
Ornis: Category: resume next paused download in the same category (optional & manual)
Ornis,bluecow: MLDonkey better recognized
Ornis: Red warning rating icon is shown when more than 1/3 of the ratings are bad

Apr 6th, 2003
bluecow:New first runtime wizard.
bluecow:Hotfix for partfiles getting too large.
bluecow:Fixed credit score ratio computation for clients which have transferred >4GB to an other individual client. (thx le_fred+Harvey56)

Apr 5th, 2003
bluecow:New log window with a rotating log, max. no. of lines can be specified in preferences.ini (MaxLogMessages=; =-1 … unlimited)
Ornis: Webserver: downloadlist shows priorities of files and the controls to change it
Ornis: Web server serves images. Local files (contained in binary zip & self installer) are now used for webserver display

Apr 4th, 2003
Ornis: Removed unnecessary repaint (&program-freeze) of the statistic graphs

Apr 3rd, 2003
bluecow:Fixed bug with message box “An attempt was made to access an unnamed file”. Instead of that message box the log entry “Invalid or corrupted packet received” is created.
bluecow:Minor speed improvements by replacing many functions which deal with MD4 hashs.
bluecow:Added small hex dump log output for unknown opcodes (Maella).
bluecow : Double click in all client related listview controls opens client detail dialogs.
bluecow : Double clicking on download filename opens file details dialog.
bluecow:Sources found during local server and UDP searching are stored and eventually added to the download file.
bluecow:If adding a file to donwloads from a remote clients file list, the remote client is added as a source.
bluecow:SearchList: Already downloaded files (found in known.met) are shown with an appropriate color.
bluecow:SearchWnd: Last typed in server-with URL is saved in preferences.

Apr 1st, 2003
bluecow:Fixed deadlock when canceling an HTTP download of server.met
Ornis: Tooltips about cat-tabs displays some summary information of that category
Ornis: optional display of the cat-tabs as “Title (loading/Filecount)” (Preferences->Display)
Ornis: Statusbar doubleclick: eg Log-Pane shows complete line in MessageBox, MessageIcon opens the message-window
Ornis: Show web server status in the “MyInfo” box, incl. current active sessions

March 30th, 2003
Ornis: Web server: fixed sorting transferlist by progress
Ornis: Save category-setup during runtime (avoid loosing settings)
Ornis: Date and time representation appropriate for locale

March 28th, 2003
Ornis: Webserver: Dont allow guests to clear the logs
Ornis: Web server: server-search control via web server & start downloads
Ornis: Wevservertemplate: set file-settings are saved now
Ornis: more shortcuts for the lists: Ctrl+A selects the whole list; downloadlist +,-,Cursor left/right to expand&collapse sources of files

March 26th, 2003
Ornis: Uploads-Tooltip better display of transferred data
Ornis: new: Scheduler, to plan settingchanges & actions
Ornis: select the webserver-template as preference

March 26th, 2003
Ornis: Webserver, portchange restarts webserver automatically [cax2]
Ornis: Web server, disable guestlogin reacts immediately
Ornis: Some potential (certain circumstances) exit crashes fixed [2bottleMOD]

Version number 0.28a
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website sourceforge
License type GPL
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