Download Mozilla Thunderbird 60.5.2

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The Mozilla Foundation has released a second update for version 60.5 of Thunderbird. Mozilla Thunderbird is an open source email and newsgroup client, with features such as support for several mail and news accounts, a spam filter, spell checker, and a customizable look and feel. In Thunderbird, new functionality is rarely added. Version 60 includes improvements in attachment handling, spell checking, and working with templates. In version 60.5.2, the following improvements have also been made:


  • Crash when using “Send to > Mail recipient” on Windows under some circumstances (MAPI interface)
  • UTF-8 support for MAPISendMail
  • Problem with S/MIME certificate verification when receiving email from Outlook (issue introduced in version 60.5.1)

Known Issues

  • Due to changes in the Mozilla platform profiles stored on Windows network shares addressed via drive letters are now addressed via UNC
  • Chat: Twitter not working due to API changes at

Version number 60.5.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Mozilla Foundation
License type GPL

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