Young people do not want to call

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Young people see you looking at their screen more than they keep it to their ear. They see more in a voice or chat message than in a telephone conversation. This is shown by research among 1135 young people.

Prefer not to call

The survey shows that 89% of the respondents prefer to send a message than they call. These are not just text messages, but also video chats or photos via Snapchat.

This, of course, does not mean that young people never call. But when they call, the reason for this is often that they do not have wifi, or with the parents. Yet they also prefer to send a quick message to the family.


Why do not young people like to call? More than half stated that they simply did not feel like calling. More than one-third belong to the scared rabbits because they said they were scary to find bubbles. The older generation is less affected by this, perhaps because they are used to it?

The fact that they call less does not mean that young people also communicate less. Indeed, chat conversations are often longer than telephone calls. It is therefore not surprising that the monthly data bundle almost always goes up at 37 percent.

New subscriptions

Sad about the call minutes. Young people would therefore also want to use their data to call, without a fixed call bundle. WhatsApp, video calling and voice messages are still the most sent. Moreover, you would not have to pay for unused call minutes.

BubblesCarPhotoSnapchatSurveyVideo ChatWhatsappWiFi