Xbox One can be controlled via devices with Cortana and Alexa

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Microsoft has released a Skill for Insider testers of the Xbox One that allows for voice control via another device. That device must then run the digital assistant Cortana or Alexa.

Those who add the Skill can, for example, turn on their Xbox One via the voice control of a device with Cortana or Alexa. In addition, the volume can be changed, games and apps can be started, the player can take screenshots and start and stop recording game streams with voice commands. The question ‘Ask Xbox what can I say?’ gives the user examples of supported speech options.

The Skill works not only in combination with smart speakers such as the Amazon Echo and on Windows 10 PCs with Cortana, but also with, for example, the Sonos One and iOS and Android apps with Cortana and Alexa. If you have an Echo and say ‘Alexa, start Rocket League’, let your Xbox One start immediately and the game starts, Microsoft gives as an example.

For now, the feature only works for a small group of American test players. They can activate the Skill via their Microsoft or Amazon account. The Xbox has long had the option of being addressed directly via voice control. This can be done via Cortana with a headset, but was already possible via Kinect with the Xbox 360, for example.

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AlexaAmazonAndroidCortanaEchoGamesHeadsetiOSMicrosoftPCsPlayerRocketScreenshotsSonosSpeakersVolumeWindowsWindows 10XboxXbox 360Xbox One