Twitter on mobile shows images in original proportion without crop

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Twitter has made a change to the display of images for Android and iOS. Previously, a crop was applied to all images without a 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio, showing a crop of the image in someone’s timeline.

Twitter gives on its own platform an example of what the change will look like in practice. A mainly vertical photo of, for example, an egret with its distinctive long neck will now be fully displayed on the timeline on Android and iOS. Previously, a cut-out was shown, showing only part of the neck. Only by clicking on the crop, the entire photo in its original aspect ratio became visible.

Since March, Twitter has been testing this change to mobile image displays. According to a Twitter spokesperson, the introduction of this new feature is the result of user feedback, TechCrunch writes. They indicated that the way the algorithm cut out images did not function satisfactorily. Very wide or vertically elongated images will still suffer from cropping after the current refresh, but Twitter says it’s working on improving that too.

The company is currently testing the ability to upload images in 4k resolution. This is also a test of a new feature for Android and iOS. Twitter is also testing a method to display images when creating a tweet, as they will be visible to other users.

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