Tesla: Model 3 was the car that generated the most sales in the US in recent months

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The Model 3 was the top-selling car in the United States for the first time in the third quarter by sales, excluding SUVs and pickup trucks, according to Tesla. In terms of absolute sales, the Model 3 came in fifth.

In an explanation of the quarterly figures, Tesla reports that the company sees the past third quarter as a ‘historic quarter’. The company posted no loss for the first time in two years, but a net profit of $312 million. The company says it is working hard to bring the price for a Model 3 down to $35,000 each; that target should be met within six months.

Tesla reports that an average of 4,300 Model 3s were produced per week in the third quarter. That is still behind an earlier target of 5000 per week, but according to the manufacturer, 5300 copies of the relatively cheap Tesla model have already been produced during the last week of the quarter. Ultimately, 56,065 units of the Model 3 were delivered to customers in the third quarter. The model will also come to Europe early next year.

Earnings of $312 million are a significant improvement over the year-ago quarter. At that time, the company suffered a loss of $619 million. Revenue came in at $6.8 billion, compared to $2.98 billion in the same quarter of 2017.

Director Elon Musk expressed the expectation that the company will also make a profit during the coming fourth quarter. The question is whether the company can actually continue to make a profit for an extended period of time, as part of the good quarterly figures according to The New York Times is due to cost savings, less investment in future models, delaying payments to suppliers and hasty selling. of as many cars as possible.

Musk, who resigned as chairman of Tesla but will remain as CEO, also announced during the presentation of the quarterly results that he has approved the production of a new model. This concerns the Model Y, a crossover SUV, which is scheduled to appear sometime in 2020. Tesla is also developing the Semi truck and the Roadster sports car, and there may also be a pick-up truck.

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CarCarsDirectorElonElon MuskNew YorkSportsStatesSUVTermsTeslaTruck