Telltale Games Fires Some Of Remaining Employees

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Telltale Games has laid off some of the workers left over from the recent major layoffs. Recently, 225 employees were laid off, or 90 percent of the workforce, leaving 25. Some of it is now gone.

Story Designer Rachel Noel let us know on Twitter that she and her team have now also been laid off, while she was previously intended to remain one of the remaining 25 employees in order to meet certain obligations and complete things. She reports that not all 25 remaining employees have been fired, but it is not clear how many people are still working at Telltale Games.

In another tweet noel complains about past working conditions at Telltale Games. She talks about working 80 hours a week and mismanagement. The Verge reported in March this year that people sometimes had to work as much as 20 hours a day or even more than 100 hours a week.

Two weeks ago, 225 employees were laid off at Telltale Games. The studio is going to close its doors for good. The remaining employees are still working on finishing Minecraft: Story Mode for Netflix. According to Kotaku sources, Telltale is looking for another developer to take on the completion of The Walking Dead: The Final Season.

Last year there was also a major layoff, in which a quarter of the staff was laid off. According to Telltale, that was necessary at the time to remain competitive.

Scene from The Walking Dead: The Final Season.

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