Software Update: WinImage 6.30.6131 beta

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WinImage is a program for creating and editing diskette images under Windows. Version 6.10 has been out for quite some time, but there is also a beta version and a newer version has just been released. Two versions are available; one for 32-bit processors and one for 64 bit processors. Both versions are accompanied by the following changelog:

What’s new in WinImage 6.30.6131 beta ?

  • Interface improvement: A folder bar can be displayed with the tree of the image in memory. The “folder bar” item in Options menu can be used to enable/disable it
  • With previous version of WinImage, all image with size equal or below 2.88 MB are loaded in memory, and all image bigger are stored on uncompressed .IMA file. The limit size for image in memory is now user defined (in Options Settings, Image tab). This is useful because some features are only available on image loaded in memory, like Defrag the image or change the format
  • You can now select the size of an image (when you create a new image or change format) with three new options : import the size from existing image file (or from boot sector file), get the size of an existing partition, or enter custom value
  • The boot sector properties dialog box is now available on FAT32 image. This is useful to create FAT32 bootable image
  • There is 64 bits version for Intel Itanium and x64 (for AMD 64 bits and Intel EM64T)

Version number 6.30.6131 beta
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website WinImage
File size


License type Shareware